ArcelorMittal Bremen to Optimize Downgrading Rate with AI Solution for Grades with Demanding Applications
"We have observed very closely the outstanding performance of Smart Steel Technologies at ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt. The same quality optimization project is underway there. The results are convincing. So it is only logical to take this step in Bremen as well."
ArcelorMittal Bremen Expands Optimization with AI Solutions in Steel Production
"We have gained good experience with SST in the first project and will now integrate other products from the SST platform into our process on product quality and efficiency improvement in the hot rolling mill area."
"Artificial intelligence is also becoming more and more important in the industry. AI solutions enable a higher quality standard throughout the production process. Smart Steel Technologies is a competent partner. By using their software we are able to further optimize our production process in the steel mill."
AI-based Solutions as a Step Into the Future
"The possibilities offered by AI solutions help to conserve energy and resources. We are striving to use them to produce even more precisely and thus also to increase the yield."
ArcelorMittal Duisburg to Implement AI Solution in Steel Production
"In an economically challenging situation, we consciously invest in the optimization of our temperature control using Artificial Intelligence technology. This will allow ArcelorMittal Duisburg to further increase process stability and reduce energy costs. The software is installed in a minimally invasive way. The installation effort is limited."
ArcelorMittal Hamburg to Implement Comprehensive Package of AI Solutions in Steel Production
"We have observed very closely the outstanding performance of Smart Steel Technologies at other ArcelorMittal plants. ArcelorMittal Hamburg will now apply AI-based optimization to both, the continuous casting process and to the rolling mill. This will lead to permanent improvements in quality and efficiency. The live data and AI platform will also serve as a basis for further data-driven optimization."
Vallourec Soluções Tubulares Brasil S.A. Chooses Smart Steel Technologies
"We are delighted to cooperate with Smart Steel Technologies who supports us to maintain Vallourec’s technological leadership by bringing forward innovative solutions that have a sustainable impact. Our investment in the latestArtificial Intelligence technology, namely the optimization of our temperature control at Jeceaba mill, will further increase our process stability and quality requirements. Thus, reducing energy costs and our CO2 emissions will make an impact and motivate further successful digitalization projects in the near future."
Çolakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş Implements AI Solution in Steel Production
"By integrating SST Temperature AI, Çolakoğlu is taking an important step towards an advanced future. In doing so, we are convinced of the importance and necessity of using new technologies in the future-proof steel production process. Thanks to the use of SST software, Çolakoğlu will be able to achieve maximum cost savings and take an indispensable step to-wards the digitalized and CO2-neutral future in steel production.”
ESF - Elbe-Stahlwerke Feralpi Optimizes Steel Production Launching SST AI Solution
"Pressure on the energy-intensive steel industry is constantly growing. To meet these challenges, we are investing in the optimization of our temperature control at the Riesa site and are now implementing the latest Artificial Intelligence technology to reach highest precision. This will allow us to further improve process stability and energy efficiency. We trust in the expertise of Smart Steel Technologies and plan to achieve relevant results quickly."
Marienhütte to Optimize Steel Production Using SST AI Solution
"We deliberately invest in optimizing our temperature control through Artificial-Intelligence technology. This way, Marienhütte will further increase process stability and reduce energy costs. We trust in the expertise of Smart Steel Technologies. And we are convinced that SST's organized and focused project execution will quickly lead to substantive results."